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Message Notes

Isn’t it great how we can use the same body parts in different ways?  With our hands we: shake, push, pull, hold…  With our arms we: block, hug, lift, squeeze…  With our legs and feet we: walk, ride bike, jump, drive…  We are thankful for the bodies God has given us. Today’s epistle reading makes the same point.  It talks about how our tongues can be used in both positive and negative ways.  We’ll look at James 3 again in a minute, but first, let’s talk about things that are:


  1. Small but Powerful

    1. Bit  Rudder  Spark  Animals  Birds  Reptyls  Sea Creatures

  2. James 3:9-10 – With our tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with the same tongue we curse people who have been made in God’s likeness.  My friends, this should not be.

    1. More Right Uses

    2. More Wrong Uses

  3. Jesus’ Words

    1. Practiced What He Preached


 1 Corinthians 6:20 – You were bought at a price.  Therefore, honor God with your bodies.

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